Weddings are an important part of any church’s life. Whether or not couples are regular churchgoers, they often look to the Church for their marriage to be blessed by God.
When you get married, you make a public declaration of life-long commitment to love each other faithfully and you take on a whole new identity as husband and wife. It is a considerable commitment to make: marriage is the most serious decision of your life! But it is also a time to celebrate the love and joy that you share together and to declare this before God and in the company of your family and friends. A church wedding offers so much to make this real. The words of the service, whether traditional or modern, set our love for one another in the context of God’s love for us all shown in Jesus Christ, and in the prayers we ask for God’s blessing on the couple in their life together.
If you would like to discuss being married at St Anne’s, please contact The Rev’d Cécile.
Can I get married at St Anne’s?
Marriage at St Anne’s is made possible in one of three ways: if you live in the parish, are habitual worshippers at the church, or have a past or present link with the parish (see below: legal information). If one of you belongs to another faith that is not Christian, then you can still get married at St Anne’s but you must have the normal Christian service.
At St Anne’s we understand that some marriages fail and we try to help people rebuild their lives in new relationships. If you have been divorced and would like to discuss the possibility of being married a second time in church please do not hesitate to speak to one of the clergy.
Banns for a wedding at another church
If you are getting married in a church other than St Anne’s and need to have banns of marriage read by us, please complete Banns-application-form-2024 and return to us. This file also contains notes on how to complete this form.
Alternatively please contact us.
LEGAL INFORMATION Everyone who lives in the parish or who is on the Church Electoral Roll (different from the state electoral roll) has a right to be married at St Anne’s as long as there is no legal impediment. You do not need to have been baptised. Since October 2008 it is now possible to be married at St Anne’s if you can show that you have a ‘qualifying connection’. The Qualifying Connections with a parish are:-If the person:-
In the Church of England people can get married only after legal ‘preliminaries’ which are actually very simple: ii) Licences are a quicker method than banns but more expensive. A licence is usual where one or both people are foreign nationals. |